Welcome to all the new subscribers to TheFED Mailing list.
We are now halfway through the writing challenge for August!
TheFED Writing Challenge is open to everyone.
It doesn't cost anything to submit your writing - and there are no prizes, winners or losers.
All submissions will be displayed on TheFED website and may also be featured in future TheFED publications.
Please do leave comments for the other writers - we all like to get feedback!
The theme for August 2012 is: The Seaside
A theme / title suggested by Pol Nugent (a member of Pecket Learning Community) Writing Submission Form
Writing can be in any form or style, poetry or prose.
Please encourage the rest of your group to participate, especially those who do not have access to the Internet.
You can also email your writing to: writing.challenge@fedonline.org.uk
Deadline is Midnight on 31st August 2012
A new Challenge will be sent out on 1st September
Can You Help?
Hello everyone
We are appealing for help with the following essential tasks!
Publicise and promote TheFED Festival.
Run A Workshop
We want to offer lots of
interesting and unnusual workshops at our Festival this year. Could you
run a 90 minute workshop for us on any aspect of creative writing,
performance, poetry, prose, character bulding, description, publishing,
running a community group, music, meditation, movement, inspiring
others, art, creativity - we welcome ALL offers and suggestions from
everyone - regardless of whether they have run a workshop for TheFED
before or not!
Dave Chambers is coordinating the workshop programme and welcomes anyone
to get in touch with offers and ideas. For more information please
email fedonline1@gmail.comPlease Offer To Run A Workshop (online application form)
Bring A Friend
TheFed Writing Festival
makes an enjoyable and inspirational day out. There is something for
everyone - so please do invite all your friends and relatives to come
TheFED 2012 Writing Festival
TheFED NewsFlash (Website Updates)
16 August 2012
Some new workshop offers have been added to the 2012 Writing Festival Workshops page.
Could you offer to run a workshop for us? Use the new Workshop Offer Form to send us the details. 01 August 2012
The Writing Challenge for August 2012 is 'The Seaside.'
16 July 2012
Roger Drury's report and pictures from The Coleford Festival of Words have been added to the Gallery. 18 June 2012
A new page has been created ' Pay Membership Fee' (under 'Join TheFED)
A new page has been created ' Buy Festival Tickets' (under 'Writing Festival 2012)
A 'Donate' button has been added to the header and footer of every page.
This website is still - and always will be - a work in progress.
Please do make suggestions for improvements and additions - and keep
sending your group's activities and events for inclusion on TheFED
We need your help to make TheFED website interesting and informative to
ensure that ALL our visitors, old and new, keep coming back! http://www.thefed.btck.co.uk/NewsFlash
YOUR Group News is Required!
let us know what your group is doing, any events you have planned or
new publications you (or your members) have produced. The next Writing
Challenge & News Update email will be sent out on the 15th August!
Thanks, Ashley
Please help TheFED by forwarding this email
to everyone who might be interested in our work.
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